Monday, March 10, 2014

We're Little, But We're Loud

Pittsburgh is a major city in that we have a baseball team, a football team, and a hockey team. It appears on those green highway signs when people are headed in our direction.

We are not nearly the size of Chicago.

Today I made a phone call to the Chicago Board of Education, along with many other members of the Badass Teachers Association, to leave a message saying that Chicago teachers should not be punished for refusing to give unfair tests, nor should students who opt out suffer any repercussions. I asked the gentleman on the phone if there had been many calls, and he said that yes, there were quite a few. "Good! Have a good day!"

Chicago is getting attention because its "Democratic" mayor is destroying public schools in favor of privately-run charters. I'll go into that later.

But people against overtesting have made news in Pittsburgh.

Check this front-pager out:

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 3/10

Also look out for some national coverage.

As for the title of this's an obscure barbershop singing reference. Go look up The Gas House Gang.

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